Pagan Code version 1.0
(dated March 27, 1999)
by Uva Ursi ([email protected])
Geeks, Goths, Bears, Grrls, Ceremonial Magicians
they all have their codes to ID them on the net and place in their signature files. But what about Pagans? So, the geeky nature of my pagan personality has finally decided to create something appropriate for us. Welcome to Pagan Code v1.0 shorthand for describing who you are for the sake of networking within the Pagan Community. Put it on your web page or in your .signature file. Have fun!
This is a first pass at Pagan Code so it will probably benefit from improvement. Please email me if you notice any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, conflicting codes or suggestions to improve these codes. This version has been heavily influence by both Geek Code and Goth Code.
Creating your Pagan Code
Although I am a programming geek too, I havent yet had a chance to write a form-based Pagan Code generator or a Pagan Code decoder. None the less, you shouldnt have much trouble creating or reading Pagan Code. Just print out this file and follow along. Remember that Pagan Code is case sensitive (a isnt the same as A). Make sure that you add a space every time you see this little circular knotwork button.

Global Modifiers
Pagans often dont fit neatly like pigeons in holes so here are some global modifiers to help you express what your situation really is. Please use sparingly otherwise your code will require a High Priestess of Pagan Code Keeping to decipher it.
X(XX) |
I vary between X and XX |
[X] |
I was once an X but I have since moved on to other things |
X{XX} |
I am an X but aspire to become or Im working on becoming an XX |
X? |
I am not really sure about this code but hey, what can I say? |
X@ |
This code changes with the phase of the moon (varies widely) |
!C |
I do not what to comment on this category |
?C |
Ive never heard of this and have no idea what you are talking about |
If this seems cryptic to you right now, dont worry. Ill give examples as we go along.
Designating code and version
Since this is Pagan Code version 1.0, start off by writing (without any spaces):
This lets someone know that you are using Pagan Code (rather than Geek or Goth) and that it is this particular version, 1.0. Pretty straight forward, eh?

Kinds of Pagan
Start of by writing a "Pa" and then follow it with the kind of pagan that you are. If more than one category fits, list in order of significance, most significant first, putting a "/" between each category. I realize that for some of us this could be quite a long list here so use global modifiers as need be and try not to write a novel in this section. If you use the (X) global modifier to denote a tradition / religion that you use to belong to but dont anymore, do not use it here for the religion your parents raised you in well cover that in another section. Also, if you work with a couple of different pantheons, there is a code for that coming up. (Meaning: if you are a Celtic Wiccan, just choose the code for Wicca here and then pick up the code for the Celtic pantheon later on when you get to the pantheon codes).
- As
Asatru/Norse Heathen/Forn Sed
- Ad
ADF-style Indo-European Druidism
- Ce
Celtic Paganism/Celtic Druidism
- Ce
Church of All Worlds
- Ch
Chaos Pagan
- Cm
Cerimonial magic(k) pagan
- Ds
- Ef
- Eg
Ancient Egyptian Religion
- Eu
Eastern European traditions
- Gr
Ancient Greek Paganism
- Me
Mens spirituality / Radical Faeries
- Nw
Nature worship (general)
- Na
Native American traditions
- Np
Generic Neo-pagan
- Ns
Native Australian traditions
- Np
Native Circumpolar traditions
- Ro
Ancient Roman Paganism
- Sh
Shamanism (as something separate from one of these religious paths)
- Wd
Dianic Wicca
- We
Eclectic Wicca (not a specific tradition)
- Wi
Wiccan (any established tradition)
- Wo
Womens spirituality / Goddess Worship
- Wt
Traditionalist Wicca (one of the original traditions: Gardnerian, etc.)
- Yu
- O
If you wish to denote your specific tradition within a Pagan religion, use the following modifier:
- -tName
I am in the Name tradition/group (example: -tGardnerian)
Example 1: Dagda is a Celtic Pagan so his code is:
PaCe. DarkRaven is a Gardnerian Wiccan so his code is: PaWt-tGardnerian.
Example 2: I am a Norse Heathen and I also work with an established Wiccan tradition. A long time ago I was a hard core ceremonial magician. I have also spent a lot of time practicing Celtic Paganism / Druidism, have fond feelings toward that path and feel perfectly comfortable in a Celtic Pagan ritual. So, my code is:
Example 3: Rowan is an Eclectic Wiccan who aspires to join and train as an Alexandrian Wiccan. Her code would be:
Note that two of these examples make use of global modifiers. Hopefully if they seemed confusing before, global modifiers now make a little more sense to you.

Write down a "P" and then follow it with the pantheon that you work with most often. I realize that for some pagans this is repeat information (obviously a Roman Pagan would focus on the Roman pantheon) but for others it is not. Also, some pagans work with more than one pantheon.
- Ce
Celtic (overrides using a specific variant)
- Cei
Celtic specifically Irish
- Cew
Celtic specifically Welsh
- Ces
Celtic specifically Scottish
- Cec
Celtic specifically Continental
- Ch
- Er
Eris and the Discordian pantheon
- Fa
Fairies and other nature spirits
- Ge
Germanic (overrides using a specific variant)
- Gen
Germanic specifically Nordic (northern Germanic)
- Geg
Germanic specifically southern Germanic
- Gea
Germanic specifically Anglo-saxon
- Eg
- Eu
Eastern European
- Gr
- Hi
- Ja
- Na
Native American (any specific pantheon)
- Nam
Native American specifically Aztec or Mayan
- Ns
Native Australian
- Np
Native circumpolar
- Ro
- Su
- Gg
The God and Goddess (often known by many names)
- Dg
The Dark Goddess archetype, known by many names
- Eg
The Earth Mother archetype, known by many names
- Mm
- N
- O
Now consider adding the following modifiers in the following order, leaving out modifiers that do not apply to you:
- -pName
I am a priest/ess of a particular deity
- -dName
Your are dedicated to a particular deity
- -wName
I initiated a working relationship with a particular deity
- -cName
A particular deity chose to work with you
Example 1: Kali works with the Dark Goddess archetypes and is mostly inspired by Hindu and Celtic pantheons. Her code would be:
Example 2: I work (almost) exclusively within the Norse Pantheon, Nordic/Scandinavia variant. I am dedicated to Freyja and sometime after that, Odhinn decided that I also should work with him. Therefore, my code is:

What is your theological stance? Start by writing a T and then follow it with one of:
- Mo
- Du
- Po
- Pa
- An
- At
- Ag
- Ar
Jungian (or similar) archetypes (a variant of atheism or agnosticism)
Some examples: A devout Muslim would be
TMo (but they probably wouldnt be writing up their Pagan code, now would they?). A Wiccan who believes that the Goddess and the God are unique and all encompassing divinities ("All goddesses are the Goddess, all gods are the God") would be TDu. Someone who believes that the entire universe itself is a responsive sacred being would be TPa.
One more example: As for me, well, I am a theological mess and thats probably because I have thought about this all too much. I am:
T[At]ArPo@Pa@ (meaning I used to be a plain vanilla atheist but later adopted an archetypal approach to theology and sometimes I am a true polytheist and sometimes I wax pantheistically
go figure. Well, at least it gives you an excessive example of using global modifiers although maybe its too excessive. I think Ill just use TArPo@ instead).

Year you became Pagan
When did you decide that you are Pagan? Write a "Y" and then follow it with mmyy where mm is the month (01 12) and yy is the year (yes, this isnt Y2K compliant ;-). If you dont remember the month, substitute "??" and if you dont remember the exact year, aim for a decade with "y?"
Examples: Someone who got involved in May of 1995 would be:
Y0595. Someone who got involved sometime in 1987 would be: Y??87. I determined that I was definitely Pagan sometime in the mid-late 1970s so I am:Y??7?.

Religious upbringing
What religious background did your parents expose you to? Start off by writing a "U" and then follow it with one of:
- At
- Bu
- Ca
- Pr
- Hi
- Is
- Ja
- Ju
- Na
Native American tradition (any)
- Ns
New-age / spiritualism
- Pa
- Sk
- Uu
- Yu
- O
Add the following modifiers if need be:
- ++
I grew up in a pagan-friendly home
- +
I grew up in a family that had interest in diverse religions
- -
I grew up in a family that did not recognize other religions
- --
I grew up not knowing that other religions besides by familys exist
Examples: Someone brought up in a Pagan household would be:
UPa. Someone who was a devout Catholic throughout childhood and into college and who didnt have any knowledge or exposure to any other religion would be: UCa--.

Out of the Broom Closet
Pick which one best indicates how public you are about being a pagan.
- B9
I am a major Pagan figure who most people have heard of
- B8
I am a very public about being a Pagan
- B7
I openly wear a Pagan symbol and/or most non-Pagans figure it out
- B6
I sometimes wear a Pagan symbol although it may not be obvious
- B5
If someone asks me directly, I may (or may not) tell them
- B4
I am only known among Pagans by my craft name
- B3
I rarely speak to any other people about my religion
- B2
Im solitary and I hide behind an alias/craft name on the internet
- B1
No person other than myself knows I am Pagan
Examples: Isaac Bonewits would be:
B9. Someone who has be quietly in the broom closet but is planning to come out would be: B3{7}. I usually dont go out of my way to say that I am a Pagan but people tend to figure it out so I must be doing something obvious; sometimes I run local workshops and I am public on the net so I am: B6(7).

Historical influence
Some pagans are hard-core about historical accuracy while others follow their own inspiration. Pick the level of traditionalism that is most appropriate for you.
- Hi9
I live like an Iron-age Celt or an 8th century Viking
- Hi8
I am very serious about reconstructing original pre-Christian practices
- Hi8
I research the history behind my practice but also let inspiration play too
- Hi6
It is nice to know where something came from before I use it
- Hi5
What ever works is good enough for me
- Hi4
I like to create as I go, adapting practices as I see fit
- Hi3
I think that personal inspiration is more relevant to modern Paganism
- Hi2
I go out of my way to add major modern elements to Pagan practice
- Hi1
I created a brand new, ultra-modern tradition out of thin air

Personal Pagan Library
Pagans tend to be rather bookish people, probably because we have to double as both researchers and practitioners of our religion. Rate your personal Pagan-related library.
- L9
People refer to my extensive archive as the Pagan Library of Congress
- L8
I am removing furniture from my house to make room for more books
- L7
I have a devoted a few bookcases to Pagan related books
- L6
I have a few shelves devoted to Pagan related books
- L5
I own the classics and thats good enough for me
- L4
I have a couple of books on Pagan related things
- L3
I dont really own Pagan books but I borrow them occasionally
- L2
I tend not to read anything that is vaguely Pagan related
- L1
I never read

Clergy/Practitioner Status
Paganism in general tends to be non-centralized and it keeps hierarchy to a minimum. Unlike many of todays "mainstream" religions, Paganism encourages us to each cultivate our own personal relationship with the divine. Religious rituals are usually centered around home and small group practice. Therefore, the line between clergy and practitioner is blurred. None the less, we are each recognized for our abilities. How do you (and other in your community) see yourself? (Yes, you can use C8 or C4 or any other inbetween state if you are one of those borderline cases :-).
- C9
I am recognized as a priest/ess within my community
- C7
I am comfortable running group rites and meditations
- C5
I feel comfortable running my own private rites
- C3
I am still learning
- C1
I have no idea how to practice
Feel free to add the following modifiers:
- m
I can legally perform marriages
- d1..3
Within my tradition (usually Wiccan), I have received 1st..3rd degree
- h
I am in a group / tradition that explicitly shuns hierarchy
Example: A third degree Wiccan would probably describe her/himself as:

Involvement with Community Solitary/Group Status
Some Pagans are solitary practitioners by choice, some are involved with a community, and others are looking for a group to practice with. Start by writing a "G" and then follow it with any of these codes:
- H
I am a major figure in a Pagan organization or I am a tradition head
- N
I am actively involved with the national/international Pagan community
- L
I am actively involved with my local Pagan community
- C
I am only involved with my local group, order, grove or coven
- S
I am a solitary practitioner
Feel free to add the following modifiers (after all, Pagan code is here to help us introduce ourselves and network):
- g
I am looking for a Pagan group that I can join
- l
I am looking for people of like mind to work with
- n
Sorry, my local Pagan group is not taking new members
If you are a multi-traditionalist, you can use any of the Kinds of Pagan codes in parenthesis to denote who you are working with. This will be useful to people who are active in a generic Neo-Pagan or Wiccan community but keep solitary practice a very specific tradition.
Finally, if you want to say where you are, use:
- -c[Name]
The country (use two letter country code) I live in is [Name]
- -a[Area]
The area I live in is [Area] (area can be a town, city, region, etc
Example: A solitary pagan living in Houston, Texas and is looking for a group to join would be:
GSg-aHoustonTX. I am actively involved with my local Pagan community, a member of a (Germanic/Celtic) Wiccan coven but I practice Norse Heathenism/Asatru as a solitary and I am on the lookout for others to work with. This makes me: GLC(Wi)S(As)l(As).

How do you observe pagan holidays? Start by writing an "O" and then follow it with one or more items from this list:
- 8
I observe the Wiccan/Pagan 8-holiday wheel of the year
- T
I observe the holidays that are part of my tradition (not the 8-holiday wheel of the year although there may be some overlap)
- L
I observe the lunar cycle
- F
I try to observe all of the holidays in my tradition
but not always
Then add any of the following as a suffix:
- s
I observe privately
- g
I observe with my local group
- c
I observe at an open circle
- r
I run an open circle

Kinds of Practice
What kinds of practices form an important part of your Paganism? Start by writing down a "K" and then follow it with one or more items from this list:
- A
Fine art / music / wordcraft
- B
Brewing (mead, ale, etc.)
- C
Tradition craft work (woodcraft, needlework, cooking, etc.)
- D
Trance work divine possession, drawing down the gods, etc.
- F
Folk customs / practices
- H
Herbal work
- L
Foreign language study (e.g. Celtic Pagan learning Gaelic)
- M
Martial arts training
- O
Oracular work / divination
- P
- R
Formal ritual
- S
Academic study of history, archaeology, etc.
- W
Votive rites
- V
Visualization / meditation
- Y

Divination / Oracular Work
Many Pagan traditions encourage training in divination or oracular work but we often have different opinions of how it all works. Plus, there are so many different kinds of divination. So, start off with your opinion:
- Ds
I feel that divination tools allow us to connect with spiritual beings
- D?
Ive studied a little but havent formed an opinion
- Dm
I feel that divination tools allow our mind to reflect such that we can think about something in a new and different way
- D!
I think divination is a bunch of hooey
- !D
I dont do divination
Then add any of the following as a suffix for methods that you practice:
- A
- G
Gazing (into a reflective surface)
- H
- I
- M
Meditative or trance-based oracular work
- N
- R
Norse/Germanic runes
- T
- O

Ethical Codes
Ethical codes are a part of religion. Which do you subscribe to? Start by writing down an "E" and then following it with one or more of:
- 3
"What you do comes back to you three times over" (Do unto others
- A
"An it harm none, do as ye will"
- D
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law; love is the law, love under will"
- N
The nine noble virtues
- T
Illuminate the Truth
- H
Treat all strangers with hospitality as if they are a deity incarnate
- C
Chaos knows no laws of ethics
- o
- n

Internet Pagan participation
Ok, if you are figuring out your Pagan code, you are probably on the net. Start by writing an "N" and then add any of the following that apply (list adapted from GothCode3.1):
- W
I maintain a Pagan-themed web site
- J
I can write stuff on the Web that do more than simply display text by writing CGI-BIN programs or Java
- H
I write publicly accessible HTML on my web page
- W
I browse the web, so you won't see nor hear of me, unless I visit your web page and leave a message
- P
I use a .plan file that has special information about me and/or my interests.. (Type at your UNIX shell: finger login@provider)
- F
I maintain a Pagan FAQ List
- S
I maintain an ISP and am a system admin with root privileges
- L
I maintain a listserv or majordomo service that people use
- E
I write on lists distributed by email
- Q
I can be found on ICQ
- C
I am on IRC chat
- O
I am an IRC channel operator
- M
I moderate a Pagan newsgroup
- N
You'll find me on Pagan-related Newsgroups
- B
I can be found on bulletin board chat channels in my local area

Mundane day to day stuff
What do you do with yourself? Let us know that you are a well rounded Pagan by writing an "Mp" and then following it with up to three of the following:
- Au
Pagan of Authorship,
- AS
Pagan of Applied Sciences (Nursing, Librarianship, etc.),
- Bi
Pagan of Biology / Biotechnology,
- Bu
Pagan of Business/Accountancy,
- GD
Pagan of Commercial Arts/Graphic Design,
- CS
Pagan of Computer Science,
- CD
Pagan of Clothing Design/Production,
- DJ
Pagan of DJ'ing (music programming),
- En
Pagan of Engineering,
- Fa
Pagan of Farming,
- FA
Pagan of Fine Arts,
- Go
Pagan of Government,
- HS
Pagan of High School (use only if you're still there),
- Hu
Pagan of Humanities,
- Ju
Pagan of Jurisprudence (Law),
- Ma
Pagan of Math,
- MA
Pagan of Manual Arts (woodwork, metalwork, leatherwork, etc),
- MD
Pagan of Medicine,
- Mu
Pagan of Music (writing, producing, _not_ DJ'ing),
- NA
Pagan of Massage, herbal lore, new age remedies, etc.
- Ph
Pagan of Philosophy,
- SB
Pagan of Small Business,
- Im
Pagan of Photography and Image Creation,
- PS
Pagan of the Physical Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc),
- Sa
Pagan of Sales Oriented Stuff
- Sb
Pagan of the Sex Industry: BDSM-related,
- Sp
Pagan of the Sex Industry: Production of related goods,
- SS
Pagan of Social Science (Psychology, Sociology, etc.)
- Th
Pagan of Theater
- Tr
Pagan of the Trades (electricians, plumbing, carpentry, etc),
- TW
Pagan of Technical Writing
- ZZ
Pagan of Other. Some Pagans do unusual things for a living.
- ??
Pagan of 'Undecided'. For those who might be changing their vocations or have lost their memories.
- AT
Pagan of All Trades. For those Pagans that can do anything and everything.
- NQ
Pagan of No Qualifications.
For each one you add, you can add the qualifier:
- 10
I am recognized universally as the eminent person in my field (e.g.: Einstein)
- 9
Postdoctoral degree, such as a DLitt, etc.
- 8
Over-qualified to work any job with a Ph.D.
- 7
Honors or a Masters degree grad.
- 6
Managed to finish my bachelors/postgraduate diploma or 3 year apprenticeship.
- 5
Learned it the hard way and I'm now an expert. Schools never teach you what you -need- to know.
- 4
Finished a short-course (2 years or less)
- 3
Started a degree or short course, and plan to finish it some day.
- 2
Learned it the hard way and I'm now proficient enough to contemplate selling my products/services. I'm planning my future in this field on the acquisition of those final skills in order to do it.
- 1
I'm a half-wit when it comes to this. I really shouldn't be adding this to my Pagan Code, but I need something to fill up extra spaces.
Add a "$" after each category in which you hold paid work.
Example: Ive been in the university system way too long but at least I also make money at it. My Mundane Pagan code is:
MpCS7{8}$SS6Au2 meaning that I am working on a Ph.D. in Computer Science, in which I both hold a masters and make my living; I hold a bachelors in the Social Sciences and I am yet another aspiring writer.

Appearance and personality
There are many flavors of Pagan out there. Tell us a little something about your outward appearance and associated personality. Start by writing an "a" and then follow it with any of (but please pick no more than three):
- Ca
University campus Pagan I look like any other person on a university campus, complete with backpack or bookbag.
- Co
Corporate slave Pagan I usually wear a boring business suit and I carry a briefcase. Heres my cel-phone number.
- Dr
Dressy Pagan I look like I am taking a break from a fashion model shoot or expensive catalog clothing. No matter what the occasion, I am always dressed right.
- Fa
Family Pagan I look like mom/dad and I drive a family car or mini-van.
- Gg
Grunge Pagan I look like something that came out of the early 90s music scene in Seattle.
- Gn
Green Pagan I only wear ethically and environmentally sound fabrics, I only use body products that havent been tested on animals and I often wear a tee shirt with an environmental message.
- Go
Gothic Pagan Ive got the dressed in black, black lipstick and lace look that you see in art schools all across the continent.
- Gr
Pagan Grrl I am a RiotGrrl. Grrrrowl!
- Hc
Hick Pagan I look like I just stepped off of my farm, overalls and all.
- Hi
Hippy Pagan I look like I just time traveled from Summer of Love in 1967.
- Jt
Jeans-n-tee shirt Pagan Im a casual jeans-n-tee sort of pagan.
- Jp
Jeans-n-pagan-tee shirt Pagan Im a jeans-n-tee sort of pagan who likes to make a statement about my beliefs by wearing pagan tee shirts.
- Me
Medieval Pagan I look like I just stepped out of the middle ages (or an SCA event). My garb has been researched to look very authentic.
- Mi
Military Pagan I look like I am ready to serve my country, complete with green socks and black boots.
- Mu
Muscle Pagan My body is a temple and I make sacrifices to it at the gym. When the weather is warm, I wear mesh tank tops to show it off.
- Na
Naked Pagan I dont wear clothes. Instead, just some feathers and shells.
- Ne
Nerdy Pagan I have a pocket protector, a slide rule and mommy dresses me funny.
- Pu
Punk Pagan I have spiky orange hair and I wear lots of old flannel.
- Ra
Raver Pagan I dress in psychedelic colors and look like I am ready to dance all night and into morning.
- Te
Techno-pagan Im a Cyberpunk pagan and I have circuit board sticking out of my head.
- Wi
Witchy Pagan I dress in black gauzy stuff and put on heavy black makeup.
- Yu
Yuppie Pagan Im a yuppie and I admit it, wanna see my BMW?
- Wo
Woodsy Pagan I look like I have been hiking through canyons, mountains and forests.

Well, this is all about networking, isnt it? Write "A" and follow it with your age. You can use the following modifiers if you want to be less specific (or not have to worry about updating your Pagan Code every year):
- 30s
I am between 30-39
- 60s
I am between 60-69 (etc., you get the idea)
- 20e
I am in my early 20s
- 20l
I am in my late 20s (etc., thus 30l, 50l, 70l
- !A
I am not telling you my age!
- ++
Im told that I look 10+ years older than that
- +
I'm told I look older than that
- =
I'm told that I look this age, too.
- -
I'm told I look younger than this
- --
Im told that I look 10+ years younger than that
For example: A44 if you are 44 years old. A30s if you are a 30-something. Someone who isnt going to tell their age would state !A.

Are you a tall Pagan or a short one? Write an "h" and then follow it with your height in centimeters. There are 12 inches to the foot and 2.54 cm per inch.
Example: I am 54" so thats (5 x 12) + 4 inches = 64 inches. To go metric, 64 inches x 2.54 = 162.56 cms. Rounding to the nearest integer is 163. So, my height is

Body Build
Are you a round Pagan or shaped like a willow twig?
- B9
I am one HUGE Pagan
- B8
I am a very, very round Pagan
- B7
I am a pleasantly plump Pagan
- B6
I am a Pagan with a couple extra pounds
- B5
I am an average size Pagan
- B4
I am on the slender side of average Pagan
- B3
I could be a fashion model
- B2
I am a twiggy Pagan
- B1
I am could be in a world hunger ad

Body Art
Many pagans decorate themselves. Start by writing a "b" and then follow it with where you are pierced and the number of piercings on that body part:
- Ea
- Na
- Ni
- No
- Li
- G
Genital area
- Ey
- H
- T
- Z
- N
Add which of the following best describes you:
- @S
I have tattoos that cover a small portion of my body.
- @M
I have tattoos that cover a medium portion of my body.
- @L
I have tattoos that cover a large portion of my body.
- @Z
I have zero tattoos. None at all.
Example: Only my ears are pierced and done so in the most conventional manner. I have a large (long) tattoo that covers my upper back, shoulder-area and neck so I am:

Gender, Sexuality and Relationship Preferences
Jot down an "s" and follow it with one of:
- M
I am male.
- F
I am female.
- H
I am a true hermaphoradite.
- m
I am a woman trapped in a man's body.
- f
I am a man trapped in a woman's body.
- !
None of your business.
Now, work out what your percentage of heterosexuality is, then divide it by ten and round this figure to the nearest integer. Add this to your code.
Choose from the following:
- M
I am monogamous (serious commitment only)
- P
Polyamorous (likes relationships with more than one person, with commitment on all sides to all people involved).
- p
Polygamous (likes relationships with more than one person, with little or no contact between partners).
- S
Swinger (no serious commitment.. discrete but no commitment at all)
- N
The actual type of relationship is open to negotiation. However, once the choice is made: that's it. It's set in stone.
- n
Negotiation is always open with regard to relationship type and it can be negotiated from time to time.
- z
Some style of relationship which is not listed in the above

Relationship Status
Not like we are trying to create personal ads here a Pagan is just as likely to wonder about another Pagans status, so
add the following to the end of your Pagan Code (again, much thanks to GothCode3.1a, although modified).
- Sm
- Se
- Sr
Involved in a relationship with a primary partner
- Sa
Single or only involved with a secondary partner and available
Then add the following suffix:
- C(X)
I have one or more children (X = number so, K(2) denotes 2 kids)
- c
I dont have any children at this time
Add to this an additional suffix from the following:
- Y
Yes, I'm "available" for the right person for a primary partnership, but dont email me any "wannas," thank you.
- N
No, I'm -not- available for a (primary) partnership right now, so don't send me "wannas."
- P
Please send me your personal Ad.
And add to this suffix:
- y
Yes, I'm available to the right person for something nice 'n' casual or one-night-standish, but I have high standards so you may not be the one I'll go for.
- n
No, I'm not available for a one-night-stand or casual sex. Get over it.
- p
Yes, you can send me "wannas" if you like
And one more thing:
- M
Im looking for a pagan/magical partner within my tradition
- m
I am not looking for a pagan/magical partner at this time